Popular video-sharing platform YouTube’s app for Android TV has reached a new milestone. The company said that YouTube app download on Android TV has doubled in the last one year. According to the Play Store data, the app has more than 100 million installs. This is an all-time high since it was launched in 2014. The company had achieved 50 million installs in May last year. It doubled in approximately 12 months. The Google-owned platform recognized impressive growth. It, however, said that it doesn’t come as a surprise for the company. The growth is believed to be driven mainly by the pandemic. The year saw huge growth for all streaming platforms.
According to Google’s claim, the company reported an 80 percent growth in its Android TV business in the USA. Google said that it also reported a massive jump in active devices. It said that there are more than 80 million active Android TV devices. YouTube comes as a pre-installed application on all Android TV devices. This metric also shows how the platform is growing. YouTube is the world’s most popular video-sharing platform. The 100 million installs are also an indication of the popularity of Google’s Android TV. It is important to note that the Android TV market has grown rapidly in recent years. According to an estimate, the Android TV market will reach USD 231 billion in the next five years.
Meanwhile, YouTube has started rolling out support for playback speed controls on its Android TV app. It will let users control the speed of a video depending on their preferences. The feature is available on YouTube’s website and mobile app for a long. The option to slow down or speed up a video is available under the extended settings menu. Users will have the option to adjust the speed from 0.25x to 0.5x, 1.25x, 1.5x, and 2x. YouTube is also testing a new feature to add video descriptions in its Android TV app. Besides, it could also add new channel shortcuts.