Instant messaging service Telegram is bringing new features to its Android app. As the popular messenger rolls out the latest update, it has announced to add a couple of features. The new features include Search Filters, Channel Comments support, and new animation effects among others. The company said that its Telegram v7.1.1 is now available on the Play Store with the new features. The new features will make the platform easier to access and communicate with friends. As of now, Telegram users were facing a bit challenge in searching for media, links, files, etc. The latest version of Telegram perfectly addresses this. The new Search Filters helps users to easily find files. The search is based on different criteria.
Telegram has also added a new privacy feature. The app is well known for its encryption. The company said that it is adding one more layer to protect people’s privacy. It has added a new Remain Anonymous setting for groups. This will be available to Admin rights for groups. This will let admins of a group to share messages anonymously to the group. Messages posted by admins will be signed with the group name. Telegram has also included a new Channel Comments. The change is applicable to comments on videos and comments on the channel page. This button lets users post a comment on any post on the channel. The comments will also appear in the discussion group.
Telegram said members of a channel’s discussion group will get an alert every time someone posts replies. The platform has also included a series of new animations. It includes animations for expanding or hiding the keyboard. Users can also switch between day and night themes. The latest updates also include a feature to allow users to take a closer view of the profile picture of anyone. This is available in a group chat. To take a closer view, users will have to just press and hold on the picture. In the case of multiple accounts, users will have the ability to preview the chat lists of other accounts.