In recent news, Apple received a lot of criticism from the community when they accidentally unpatched the previously patched Vulnerability. The Vulnerability was about the Jailbreaking iOS and then installing the unauthorized or malicious apps. Google’s Project Zero team reported the issue, and Apple immediately released the update of iOS 12.3 with the patched Vulnerability. But according to the testers and the hackers, Apple accidentally unpatched vulnerability in the 12.4 updates. But after a week of the revelation, Apple has released the emergency update iOS 12.4.1 for global users, which patches the Vulnerability that allowed iOS users to jailbreak the iPhone.
Google’s Project Zero team member Ned Williamson said that the Vulnerability would allow the attackers to install any malicious app on the iPhone or iPad. A hacker with the pseudonym Pwn20wnd released a new jailbreak that would exploit the Vulnerability. But the latest ioS 12.4.1 would negate the jailbreak patch. According to Pwn20wnd, those who are not willing to lose the jailbroken iPhone should not install the newest update. Otherwise, they’ll lose the functionality and return to being the regular iPhone.
Jailbreaking the iOS will immediately provide the users with access to the system. The users can modify the looks and appearances of the operating system, install unauthorised apps and do many other things that were not allowed in the locked device. But the Jailbroken devices are prone to the malware attacks, as allowing the unauthorized apps would destroy the device. Many hackers are known to exploit the jailbroken iPhones to install malicious apps in the background and steal the data or damage the device firmware. Apple is against the Jailbreaking and will not provide any kind of warranty or guarantee to the devices which are jailbroken. The latest patch discourages the Jailbreaking community.