In the Consumer Electronics Show 2019, Samsung shared a Press release to the media outlets. The company has announced that the Bixby – homegrown AI assistant in the Samsung smartphones will now support all of the Google Apps. The Bixby is the official voice assistant in all of the modern Samsung smartphones, replacing the Google Voice Assistant. As Google is quickly capturing the market with the Android devices, the Bixby is behind the competitors. As the users were not able to use the Bixby to launch or control the Google apps, they can do it now.
The company shared a press release with the details of this decision. Being the replacement to the Google Voice Assistant, the Samsung smartphone users were stuck with the Bixby, and that too is not full of features. But with the support for Google apps like Gmail, Google Photos, Inbox, Sheets, Docs, and others, the Samsung users can fully use the Bixby, voice assistant. As per the experts, Samsung has taken this decision to tackle the aggressive marketing of Google Voice Assistant by allowing the Bixby to support the rival apps. Although there is an official announcement, no exact date of the release of this feature is not revealed by the company.
Not just this, but the company has announced the new series of QLED Televisions. The 2019 series 8K QLED televisions will have the Bixby support. The QLED TV users can access the Bixby voice assistant to change the channels, open other apps and do many things. The new televisions will have other third-party apps like Uber, Ticketmaster, and iHeartRadio. With this move of announcing the Google Apps support for Bixby and addition of Bixby to the QLED Televisions, the Samsung is taking steps further to market their Voice Assistant.