Despite a lot of backlashes, WhatsApp has decided to go ahead with the privacy policy updates. However, the instant messaging app has said that it would explain changes in a better way and give users enough time to review them. In a recent blog post, the messaging service said that it would put an in-app banner that would let users read changes at their own pace. Facebook, the owner of WhatsApp, has been explaining changes via WhatsApp status. It insisted that the chat and call feature of WhatsApp will remain encrypted as earlier. The social media giant that some people might have confusion about this particular feature.
Facebook has now resorted to banners to let users read information related to new privacy policy changes. While insisting that end-to-end encryption is not going away, the company said that it would make chat with businesses easier. However, the users will have to agree to the changes. This will allow Facebook to store those conversations on its servers, leading many people to this that their private chats will no longer be private. While chatting with a business account is completely optional, opting out of the feature is not. This means you won’t be able to opt out of the privacy policy changes that will make you share your data with Facebook.
Many say that this is the reason why Facebook bought WhatsApp for a whopping USD 19 billion in 2014. WhatsApp is free to use and Facebook insists that it will earn from businesses who pay for the right to use the app. The social media giant explains that this is how it will keep WhatsApp free. The company had announced that the new policy will be effective from February 8, 2021. However, the widespread uproar over the issues forced Facebook to delay the WhatsApp policy change. Millions of users have started to use competing apps and this has resulted in a surge of Signal and Telegram.