Some months ago Facebook started to a project whose aim was to check how many peoples are goings through depression and having suicidal thoughts. In this project with the help of AI, they were trying to find out how many Facebook users were posting some depressing or self-harming post and according to that information Facebook used to contact the local emergency department which would ultimately help users who are having suicidal thoughts. According to the health department of United States of America, the number of patients who have self-doubts or suicidal thoughts is increasing every year, and with this new feature, Facebook is helping thousands of those people who are in need of help.
While talking regarding this project Facebook safety department said that this AI is programmed in that way which can observe a Facebook users posts like what kind of post a user is posting and it also considers the responses someone get from their friends online to determine whether that person is sick or not. According to the stats which is provided by the facebook which says that AI was successful in detecting more than 3500 cases of user feeling not good and that’s quite evident. When the company first started to launch this project, they didn’t think that it would be that much useful but with that much number of cases as of now reported it seems like this AI technology is helping humans.
Many Facebook employees think that this AI is brilliantly programmed and it helps them when Facebook staffs try to contact emergency department too. Many medical researchers believe that this AI operates similar to a doctor and they think this is the best use of modern technology which is helping those people who are in need of help.