Google Stadia will soon see at least 400 new games joining the platform. The cloud game streaming service by Google is hugely popular among the youngsters. The search engine giant said that the new games are on the way. According to its Director Jack Buser, the majority of the 400 games will be arriving in 2021 and beyond. Google is taking measures to push the platform ever since it was launched in December 2019. The news about 400 new games shows its commitment to enhance its service and offer a variety of games to the users. The company expects to see a rise in the user base with the latest announcement Google said that it is already holding talks with different developers to fulfill the promise.
Google is looking into the future and aiming to run the service for a long time. According to Google, gaming is one of the biggest businesses. And therefore, the company is investing money, time, and energy to lay a strong foundation. The company said that it is open to support developers in building new games. Google Stadia was launched with 22 games and announced plans to add over 120 games. It streams video games up to 4K resolution at 60 frames per second. When Stadia was launched, it was assumed that Google will follow an unsaid tradition set by Xbox Live and Playstation Plus of releasing two games per month. Google, however, surprised everyone with its plans by launching multiple games every month.
Buser said that the company is expecting a very exciting year ahead. Google in recent times made some big hiring like Jade Raymond and Shannon Studstill. Raymond is a renowned Canadian video game producer. At Stadia, she is the executive in charge of the platform. She is well known as the founder of Ubisoft Toronto. Studstill is known for her work on God of War, God of War III, and Alien Terminator. The former Sony Santa Monica boss is Studio Director, Stadia Games and Entertainment.