Chinese tech giant Huawei is planning to develop its own version of Google Mobile Services amid continuing tensions with the United States. The smartphone manufacturer has sought cooperation from developers in India. If successful, it may put to an end to Android’s market domination not only in India but possibly beyond. At the moment, there seems to be no challenge to the Android mobile operating system which is owned by Google. It holds a total of 76 percent market share of the mobile operating system worldwide. Huawei is planning to launch its version of GMS in India and trying to build a mobile ecosystem. GMS is a collection of apps by the tech giant that often come preinstalled on Android smartphones.
Huawei’s consumer head in India Charles Peng was recently quoted as saying by a media report that key apps such as payments navigation, gaming and messaging will be ready soon. The telecommunication giant has been constant pressure from the United States. As a result, the company which once used Android OS itself has been forced to develop an alternative. This came after Google stopped some business with Huawei in May this year. It banned the smartphone manufacturer from Android updates and asked it to use only the open-source version of the OS. A few months later, Huawei unveiled its own Harmony mobile operating system. The company even rolled out a new flagship smartphone sans proprietary Google apps.
It didn’t stop there and started negotiations with top app developers of India to convince them to release their products on HMS. HMS could itself offer over 100 ‘own apps’ to customers around the globe. The move to strip Huawei from proprietary Android OS will also harm Google. This is because Huawei holds a significant share in the smartphone market. It is the second most popular smartphone manufacture and controlled 19 percent of the market in this year’s third quarter. This was an increase of 4 percent when compared to the same period the previous year.