Popular instant messaging platform WhatsApp is currently undergoing a strategic change. The Facebook-owned app is introducing new features as it faces tough competition from competitors like Telegram and others. WhatsApp has said that it is testing a new feature to integrate two devices. In other words, the company is testing the ability to amalgamate between an Android-run handset and an iPhone. This feature will let account holders to migrate their chat history. The said feature is a part of WhatsApp’s ongoing strategic change in the application. Once the feature is introduced, users can move their chat history between Android and iOS devices. For now, WhatsApp doesn’t allow users to migrate the chat history.
The development is significant because WhatsApp has already announced that it is working to provide multiple device support. It will give an opportunity to users to use the app on multiple devices at the same time. WhatsApp users are demanding from the company to offer support to use an account on multiple devices for a long. It is said to be one of the most sought features by users. When users try to link an account with a device having a different OS, the company asks them to update the app. This makes the process very lengthy and users are often delivered with an error message. WhatsApp said that the latest feature will help users to overcome any compatibility error.
WhatsApp had earlier said that third-party apps claiming to provide support to migrate chat history as a violation of the company norms. Such apps were gaining popularity in recent times in the absence of a similar feature. WhatsApp is also testing a feature to allow users not to keep their smartphones connected to the Internet while using services on WhatsApp Web. WhatsApp is a hugely popular instant messaging app in the world. The company claims that it has over 1.5 billion monthly active users. As many as 60 billion messages are exchanged on the platform daily.