When it comes to streaming videos online, the only website which millions of people use is YouTube, but according to a recent report YouTube is trying to get rid off of those spam accounts which are decreasing the value of their platform. Recently, YouthTube mentioned that they’re trying to clean up all those spam accounts which according to the company are fake and are solely made to increase the views of certain types of videos. Millions of people use YouTube on a daily basis, and many YouTubers earn their money through these subscribers, but since the company is removing all the spam accounts, it will decrease the subscription base of some YouTubers who have used such spammy accounts.
Many YouTube channels which have a lower amount of subscribers use Spam accounts to increase their popularity. YouTube has been observing such kind of accounts from the last few months, and now the company has decided to clean up all that junk which was decreasing the quality of YouTube. Many YouTubers which are not that much popular and uses such kind of spam accounts to gain popularity are soon going to get affected because of this YouTube’s decision. However, many big YouTube channels which have authentic subscribers don’t have to worry about their Audience because they’re going to get the least affected because of this news.
YouTube has been trying their best to improve their platform because recently the company the has brought a new rule of having at least 1000 subscribers to monetize videos. There are many sites which offer YouTube views and subscription services which are mostly used by the small YouTubers to gain some popularity. But it seems like YouTube cares a lot about its audience and that’s why the company is now cleaning up the Spam accounts in bulk.