Technology giant Apple is launching a new feature for disabling the night mode. The new feature is available for iPhone users. iPhone owners who have iOS 15 in the smartphone can use the latest feature. Apple said that such iPhone owners can now keep the Night Mode feature disable. They can keep it off in a condition having low light as they click snaps. For now, Apple didn’t allow iPhone users to disable the night mode feature permanently in low-light while taking snaps.
The night mode feature was introduced by Apple in 2019. The feature was launched mainly to assist during low-light photography by enhancing the light. It is suggested that the night mode feature is not always right. This affects the photos. The iPhone already excels while clicking dark shots. For now, iPhone automatically enables the night mode feature.
The algorithm turns on the night mode without seeking prior approval from the owner. The moment it detects low light, the camera enables the night mode. The user is then allowed to turn off the night mode if he/she feels that there is no requirement for clicking photos. The disable night mode is currently available in iOS 15 beta. Apple will release the stable version of the feature for the public in September.
Apple said that users can make the changes in the Settings app. Under the Settings app, there is a Camera section. On tapping it, users will have to tap the Preserver Settings option. Users can here turn on the night mode feature. When turned off, it will tell the handset’s camera to disable the night mode during a shot.
Users can use the feature y manually changing the settings in the app. When the feature is active, a yellow icon is displayed at the top of the display. The night mode shows a number that indicates the duration the shot will take. There is also a moon icon that can be used to adjust the exposure time.