Social media giant Facebook is working on a new threads feature. The feature is said to be similar to Twitter-like threads. Threads on Twitter are a series of connected posts on the platform from one account. Facebook is currently testing the feature. Once rolled out, it will also show connected posts shared from one account. It will, however, be only shown on Pages of some public figures. They will get the ability to create and tie the related posts. It will be useful in providing posts on a related topic in one place. It will make posts together more visible to users. Users can follow updates on a topic in one place.
When someone shares a new post, it will appear on his or her followers’ News Feeds. The latest post will be shown as being connected to older posts in a thread. The social media company is testing the feature with a few public figures. Facebook will add a new button in the threaded posts. By clicking the ‘View Post Thread’ button, users can see the previous posts that are linked to the latest one. All the threaded posts will be tied together. This will allow users to easily navigate through the posts and see old posts shared in the thread. The new feature will help public figures to increase their public presence on the platform.
Threads feature on Twitter has been very useful. On Twitter, there is a character limitation for sharing a post. The feature helps to tie multiple posts on a topic in one place. Facebook’s new feature could be useful to hose sharing longer posts. It can also be used for live commentary during events. The testing of the new feature comes in the backdrop of Facebook launching a set of publishing and subscription tools. The company has announced Bulletin that will mainly focus on quality content creation, monetization, and increasing audience. It will also be useful for independent content writers.