Sometimes we all do foolish things which we later regret doing it, and it seems Samsung’s Nigeria department might be going through that feeling. Because recently it’s been found that Samsung Nigeria’s twitter account has mistakenly promoted the Galaxy note 9 by using iPhone. There are lots of things which are currently happening because of this funny mistake made by Samsung’s Nigeria’s twitter account. Since that tweet, many iPhone fans are trolling Samsung users, and now there’s a meme war going on in between these two company’s fans over social media platforms. Whenever things like this happen, it shows how much it is important to handle a social media account especially if you’re representing any giant tech company like Samsung because one mistake like this can cost a lot to the company.
Things like this happen because we all make some human errors, but it’s entirely unexpected from a person who has given a responsibility to handle social media account of one of the largest tech companies in the world. This funny incident is already getting trending because many fans of iPhone are now spreading the jokes and memes on this funny mistake of Samsung. Many celebrities have even started trolling Samsung by tweeting how great android phones are by tweeting from their iPhones. It seems like someone’s silly mistake has now created a new trend for all the social media users which is getting popular every hour.
However, whenever things like this happen, right now the only question which everyone might be asking to themselves is what’s going to happen to that guy who posted such kind of things, right?. Well, officially we haven’t received any comment from Samsung’s main twitter account, but it seems like someone might be losing their job.